29 Oct

by Emily Walton, M.H. 

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaching, a lot of people will be buying rosemary to flavor their food. Rosemary isn’t only for culinary use, it’s also very medicinal. I love the herb rosemary and all its health benefits! I put it in my morning smoothies and in my dog’s food. 

Rosemary is a savory herb, and that’s why a lot of people add it to stuffings and other savory dishes, especially around the holidays. Rosemary is good for more than just the holidays. Rosemary helps relieve headaches, even migraines. Combining equal parts rosemary, skullcap, vervain, and wood betony and made into a tea was reported to give a woman permanent relief from frequent migraines after using this formula for several weeks. Rosemary relieves headaches by stimulating capillary circulation.1 

Rosemary is high in assimilable calcium, which is good for the entire nervous system. Drinking rosemary tea soothes nervous insomnia and mental fatigue.2 Rosemary helps remove waste matter from the cells and brings more blood, oxygen, and nourishment to the cells. It’s good for the liver to help remove toxins from the body.3 

Rosemary is good for the memory and it also stimulates hair growth. Using a tea to wash the hair/scalp and taking rosemary internally are recommended for both the memory and hair growth. Rosemary is also an excellent and powerful heart tonic.4 Drinking rosemary tea will clear congestion from the body, which makes it ideal in the spring and fall when people tend to get congested.5 

Rosemary contains a variety of powerful antioxidant and has compounds that are antiseptic and antibiotic.6 Using dried rosemary as a body powder can treat body odor that’s caused by perspiration, bacteria, or fungus on the skin.7 

As you can see, rosemary is not only good for culinary use to flavor food, but it also has so many medicinal uses for the body. Rosemary is good to use year-round, not just during the holidays. Caution - pregnant women should not use rosemary as it’s an abortifacient, which means it can cause a miscarriage. 

Emily Walton is a Master Herbalist graduate from The School of Natural Healing. She lives with her dog, Henry. She enjoys seeing clients and helping them on their path to achieve whole self-health. She is accepting and happy to meet new clients and happy to see her clients via video chat, too. 

References: 1 - 5 Herb Syllabus by Dr. John R. Christopher 6 - 7 The Herbal Drugstore by Linda B. White, M.D., Steven Foster 

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